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Chinese Aviation History Museum Takes off in Beijing

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Chinese Aviation History Museum Takes off in Beijing

 April 17, 2023
Chinese Aviation History Museum Takes off in Beijing

This photo taken on April 16, 2023 shows the inauguration ceremony of the History Museum of China Aviation Industry in Beijing, capital of China. The History Museum of China Aviation Industry was inaugurated in Beijing on Sunday, becoming the only venue to provide a comprehensive display of China's 110-year aviation history.

Located in Beijing's Miyun District, the museum was jointly established by three major players in the Chinese aviation industry: the Aviation Industry Corporation of China, the Aero Engine Corporation of China and the Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China.

More than 1,400 exhibits are on display in the museum hall, which covers an area of 3,328 square meters and has an exhibition area of around 2,400 square meters. [Xinhua]


BEIJING, April 16 (Xinhua) — The History Museum of China Aviation Industry was inaugurated in Beijing on Sunday, becoming the only venue to provide a comprehensive display of China's 110-year aviation history.

Located in Beijing's Miyun District, the museum was jointly established by three major players in the Chinese aviation industry: the Aviation Industry Corporation of China, the Aero Engine Corporation of China and the Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China.

More than 1,400 exhibits are on display in the museum hall, which covers an area of 3,328 square meters and has an exhibition area of around 2,400 square meters.

Ten physical aircraft and full-scale simulation aircraft models are on display outdoors.

Thanks to the country's unremitting efforts, China has cultivated a modern aviation industry system and built its own aviation culture. The museum shows major events, products, activities and representative figures in the development of China's aviation industry, highlighting the passion, culture and dedication of the Chinese aviation industry and its people, according to the museum.

The museum will be open to the public free of charge, serving as an aviation history theme-museum and a base for popular science education to pass on the passion and spirit of the Chinese aviation sector.


(Source: Xinhua)


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